Justin T. Jones ~ Oregon 97801

As someone who has struggled with poverty for most of my life, I never thought I’d be able to break the cycle. But with the help of rental assistance, I was able to find stability and create a better life for myself and my family.

Growing up, my family lived in a cramped and run-down apartment in a rough part of town. We struggled to make ends meet and often had to choose between paying rent and putting food on the table. As a result, we were constantly moving from one place to another, never able to truly call any place home.

When I became an adult, I found myself in a similar situation. I was working low-paying jobs and barely making enough to cover my rent and basic necessities. I lived in fear of being evicted and being forced to move again.

One day, I heard about rental assistance programs from a friend. I was skeptical at first, but decided to look into it. To my surprise, I found that there were many programs available that could help me pay my rent and stabilize my housing situation.

I applied for rental assistance and was approved after going through the eligibility requirements. With the help of the program, I was able to pay my rent on time and focus on building a better life for myself. I even started taking classes at a local community college to improve my job prospects.

Through hard work and determination, I eventually landed a better-paying job and was able to move into a better apartment in a safer neighborhood. I no longer lived in fear of being evicted and could finally start to build a stable life for myself and my family.

Rental assistance was the key to breaking the cycle of poverty for me. It provided me with the stability and security I needed to start building a better life. I am forever grateful for the help I received and will always advocate for the importance of rental assistance programs in helping people like me overcome hardship and achieve their dreams.